Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Dissimilarity Between Working Mother And Stay Home Mother

Sang Min Yue Professor Dr. Rosalyn Jacobs ENGL 1102 24, April 2016 â€Å"The Dissimilarity between Working Mother and stay home Mother† During the early years of the 1900’s most women were not allowed to work, they also did not have any rights to vote. All the women during these times could only stay inside the house and take care of the familial duties and chores. Women were primarily cooking meals, cleaning inside the house, and also taking care of their own child. On the other hand, most of the men were kings in the household who were in charge as they are the main source of income for making money. Most of the kids growing up during this time period ensured to consume a strong family background because the marriage was everlasting one. Back in the day, the maximum of divorce rates was very low compared to a present day, as of now, but how is that the divorce rates are high in the present today? That is because of the authorization in the 19th Amendment which were giving women right to vote, as they became more self-governing (Harr is). Women did not just want to cook, and clean working as a house wife at home any longer, but however women desired to have a job outside just like their husband earning all the money and have a nice working life. They wanted to challenge themselves as they wish to follow their husbands footsteps, to prove that women can also do just like how the men does. Even though how women began to work and women equal rights movement have beenShow MoreRelatedWorkplace Inequality And Gender Inequality1678 Words   |  7 Pagessalaries increasing at a much slower speed than before and in 2014 women who had full-time employment in the United States in general remained around 79 percent of whatever a male individual was compensated, making a gap of 21 percent in pay gap just between gender. 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